Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Blog Entry #5 Location List

Location List:

1. Zack's House
2. Josh's truck
3. Publix

At Zack's house this will be the opening of our two minute film. At this location a good part of our 2 minute scene will take place as Zack prepares for a bad day.

In Josh's truck another location, here there will be shots of Zack and Josh heading to Publix for a regular trip to buy a scratch off with Zack's last few dollars.

Publix the last location for the scene is where Josh and Zack pull up and they talk for a bit, after a quick conversation Zack heads off to buy a scratch off. Zack will purchase the scratch off and exit the store to scratch off the card and find out he won big!

Blog Entry #4 Script

Our Movie Script 

Title screen
 Fades into scene:

*Subtitles continue playing throughout scene until done
EXT. Zach’s house- Day
Shot of outside of the house--- phone ringing
Dissolve to:
Zach’s bedroom,*Phone rings, Zach waking up to the phone ringing
ZACH, *Picks up phone, “Hello… Oh how are you doing Mr.Pinkmen… Wait what? Fired? I can barely make ends meet now! How can you do this to me?!” *Slams phone down
Walks out of bedroom and out of the house *camera follows
Outside of Zach’s house- day
ZACH.*Shot of the evection notice, “What is this?,  *Looks and grabs the eviction notice, *Shot of this “How can this day get any worse”
ZACH.  Turns around and Walks over to the car, *Shoot this
ZACH. Walks in the car,  car doesn’t start   “FUCK!”  *Shot outside of the car
ZACH. Calls Josh “Ey man can you pick me up and take me to Publix”
INT. Josh’s Car Outside of Publix- day
ZACH. “Thanks bromigo”  *Camera from the corner of the door showing both charaters
JOSH. “Ya brah” *Insert bad ass handshake 
ZACH. Walks out of the car and walks in the store
ZACH. Walks out of the store with a bag
ZACH. Takes card out of the bag
ZACH. Scartches the card “Show me the money”
ZACH. Drop to his knees…


As a group we came up with the ideas for the film script, where we would shoot and what characters would do. My contribution to this assignment was that I wrote out the full and completed script, and I also came up with a few ideas for the script.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Blog Entry #3 Group Project Plan

As a group we decided to do the film project. We came to the decision because we all believe it was the best fit for all of us because it would be a hard decision on which magazine article topic we would agree on. We are a group of 4. The group is Josh, Zack, Corinne, and I. Our jobs are as follows; Josh- Actor/ Corrine- Filming, Actor/ Matt (Me)- Actor, Editor, Filming/ Zach-Writer, Actor. The film will be about a man having a very bad day and everything changes when he wins big on a scrach off. We decided that the targeted audience will be teens and adults becuase its about a more serious story/encounterment. We will make a comercial to air on popular teen and adult tv show channels to market and advertise to our audience of teens and adults. We agreed that this is a viable product because, it will be focused as a serious movie of hard times and when luck strikes it gets better. As a group we decided that the film will be distributed in the theaters and on DVD's.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blog Entry #2 Film Project

As for the film project, I believe that my skill set and background knowledge on film making would help in the making of the film. I believe that that the film would be a good fit for me because I understand some film making techniques and processes in creating a film. For example in my media studies class we observed three films (All Presidents Men, Ferris Bullers Day Off and News Room). These films presented all the techniques to create an award winning film, with each of these films we watched documentary's that were about the making of these films and it explained in depth the problems that can occur, how they over came them as well as how well the movie did. As for my prior knowledge before the course, I have some basic editing and filming understanding which is a start to creating a film. However, this film project may also become quite the hassle like figuring out a plot, gathering actors, extras and getting the group together to film and work together. For me in my personal opinion I believe that the film may be a hard strenuous task as it will create a challenge in learning new things and ways of creating a film. All in all the film sounds like a great idea and I believe it will be a challenge. I want to challenge myself so the film project may be the fit for me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Blog Entry #1 Magazine Project

The magazine project:

Creating a magazine would be a fun task because I want to learn more about the media. I want this to be a challenge, so that I can get the experience of how it would be to be a journalist. Some tasks like constructing the magazine may be easy because I am certified in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. This will give me background knowledge to help me succeed in creating the magazine. I read the newspaper on Saturdays when I volunteer, so I have an understanding of the content as well as the layout of a professional magazine. However, I will encounter problems in the creation of my magazine. Some problems that i think will arise are keeping the content focused on a certain audience. I also think that coming up with ideas for topics to write about in the magazine may become a problem. Finally I think that my group working skills may become a weakness, however I choose to work in a group to help myself become better with working with other students on an assignment. All in all I am very excited for this project and I am looking forward to building new skills and further my knowledge about media.