Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Blog Entry #21 Class Presentation and feedback (Revision)

Class Presentation and feedback
On January 20, I had the opportunity to present my blog to the class. This was a great opportunity because I was able to show my fellow classmates my blog and get their advice on possible additions to my project to make to better. Overall, my class thought that my blog was done pretty well. They enjoyed the presented visuals the students said that it helped create a better understanding on the whole film production process as well as seeing our groups progress from day one.  

 Now concerning my groups film project. The Day It All Changed, all of the students seemed pulled into the film they found it interesting as the story line of the film was easy to follow. What we did well? I believe that our group had one of the best film intros that the teacher showed. Our film was very smooth and easy to understand as well as entertaining. Other students films were very hard to follow, some had very little dialogue and overall the films were not the best... Our teacher gave us ideas on what we should revise. One thing that we believe that we should revise part of the story... When Zack calls Josh to pick him up to go to Publix, we decided to add some outside source to get Zack's attention to show the audience the reason for going to Publix to purchase a scratch off. We decided on adding a phone alert that Zack looks at showing the audience that Zack needs to buy a scratch off because he will become a millionaire if he wins.

I believe that this is a good idea because after getting a revision it made sense because we wrote the script we know what is going on, but we have to make that noticeable for the audience so they are not confused about why Zack is going to Publix. 

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