Friday, April 8, 2016

Blog Entry #37 Final Creative Critical Reflection Prezi and Film

Creative Critical Reflection Prezi

The Day It All Changed (FILM)

Blog Entry #36 Progress...

On 4/7/2016 & 4/8/2016 I went back and revised my Creative Critical Reflection answers after I presented it to my class. My classmates and teacher gave me advice on what I should fix up and update to make the CCR the best it possibly can be. I also went back into my Prezi and fixed whatever I changed on Blogger.

Blog Entry #35 Creative Critical Reflection Revised Answer DRAFT 2

Creative Critical Reflection Question 4

-How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware, and online- in this project?
Throughout our films production there were many ways that my group integrated technologies to create the final product. Our group also used many different software's, websites and programs to help mold our film. Throughout the project each member of the group kept a Blog (Google Blogger) to help with organization and to show our groups progress in creating the film. The Blog was a very helpful tool as we can write ideas and show our films progress which helped other group members if they did not understand something or missed a day. We used an iPhone 6 to film our movie, we were given the choice of using a high quality camera but we found that the iPhone was much easier to handle and use. As the film editor, I had to learn to overcome. By sitting down and researching all different types of software's (Movie Maker and I Movie). I found that Microsoft Movie Maker was the software that I was most comfortable with and that is what I used to edit and create our groups film. This was honestly one of the hardest parts in creating the film as learning proper uses and techniques of this software to create the finished project. The finished product was uploaded to YouTube where it can be viewed by anyone on the internet. All in all the group my group integrated many different technologies to create this project.

Blog Entry #34 Creative Critical Reflection Revised Answer DRAFT 2

Creative Critical Reflection Question 3

-How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
When our group decided to do a film project we thought that it would be quite challenging since not one member of the group had any practice with creating films. When we were given jobs and roles in the production of the film, my job was the film editor. This was something I have never done in my life. I did lots of research on different types of film editing software and found that windows movie maker was the easiest to use. It took many days of practice to understand how movie maker works but once I understood the basics everything else was easy. Adding clips, trimming and deleting parts of the scene were all challenges that I faced in the production of this film. But as an overall question, my production skills have gotten a lot better as time went on in creating the finished product. My group was satisfied with my material and this really boosted my confidence for future productions.

Blog Entry #33 Creative Critical Reflection Revised Answer DRAFT 2

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2

-How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
In the film industry there are many ways that films engage with the target audience. One way our group decided to engage with audience is through social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. We would pay for an ad to be shown on every users News Feed it would be our films trailer. When individuals would watch this it would show a link at the end that sends them to our website where the release date of the film is shown and pre-orders of the film can be made. This would help us gain publicity from our targeted audience and hopefully people will pre-order our film and spread the word.

There are many different ways that films can be distributed in the film industry. As a group we decided that we will distribute our film through production companies like Paramount or 20th Century Fox. While researching we found that these are the two most well known production companies this alone would help us gain publicity. If we were unsuccessful with getting with a major film company we would work to enter Film Festivals. This would help our film gain publicity as well as get our movie into the theaters in the festivals. We would submit our film to the local Sarasota Film Festival in high hopes of getting a shot of releasing our film here. If that didn't work out we would make a Website that has our film on it, giving the viewer the capability to purchase or rent our film. We would also post our movie on YouTube which will help us gain viewers and we would be able to make money off of ads which we can use to put towards advertising. The distribution of our film through large production companies is our first option however our backup plans will help our film become a success as well.

Blog Entry #32 Creative Critical Reflection Revised Answer DRAFT 2

Creative Critical Reflection Question 1

-How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
Our final film used convention, we conveyed convection in our shots. Our opening scene starts off with an establishing shot as we viewed in our research in Ferris Buellers Day Off this would give the setting and time of day. We also shot an over-the-shoulder shot of Zack to show that he was in charge of the house. This shot shows that Zack has power and confidence. We used this technique because we wanted to symbolize that Zack had many responsibilities as a young adult. When I say responsibilities of a young adult I mean adults ages 18-23 that go to work every day and rely on a weekly pay check to pay bills, feed themselves and pay for other necessities. But when we speak of just responsibility we noticed it in a few films that we have viewed for research. We have seen this shot before in the "John Adams" episode we watched as a class. The over-the-shoulder shot that was portrayed in the "John Adams" showed that John was a leader and in-charge of his town. It also shows courage because he was the only one to go and help his people in the madness.  Our product also represents social groups and issues as young adults living day to day on one job, running into problems such as car breaking down, being evicted or even getting the call from their boss that they are fired. However in our case of the film a seemingly bad day changes for the good when Zack spends his last dollar on Publix 1 Million dollar scratch off that changes his life.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Blog Entry #31 Prezi

I decided to put my creative critical reflection question responses in a Prezi. This was my first time using a Prezi and I believe it was a great learning opportunity and I think I can use this technique in the future.