Friday, April 8, 2016

Blog Entry #33 Creative Critical Reflection Revised Answer DRAFT 2

Creative Critical Reflection Question 2

-How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
In the film industry there are many ways that films engage with the target audience. One way our group decided to engage with audience is through social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. We would pay for an ad to be shown on every users News Feed it would be our films trailer. When individuals would watch this it would show a link at the end that sends them to our website where the release date of the film is shown and pre-orders of the film can be made. This would help us gain publicity from our targeted audience and hopefully people will pre-order our film and spread the word.

There are many different ways that films can be distributed in the film industry. As a group we decided that we will distribute our film through production companies like Paramount or 20th Century Fox. While researching we found that these are the two most well known production companies this alone would help us gain publicity. If we were unsuccessful with getting with a major film company we would work to enter Film Festivals. This would help our film gain publicity as well as get our movie into the theaters in the festivals. We would submit our film to the local Sarasota Film Festival in high hopes of getting a shot of releasing our film here. If that didn't work out we would make a Website that has our film on it, giving the viewer the capability to purchase or rent our film. We would also post our movie on YouTube which will help us gain viewers and we would be able to make money off of ads which we can use to put towards advertising. The distribution of our film through large production companies is our first option however our backup plans will help our film become a success as well.

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