Friday, April 8, 2016

Blog Entry #35 Creative Critical Reflection Revised Answer DRAFT 2

Creative Critical Reflection Question 4

-How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware, and online- in this project?
Throughout our films production there were many ways that my group integrated technologies to create the final product. Our group also used many different software's, websites and programs to help mold our film. Throughout the project each member of the group kept a Blog (Google Blogger) to help with organization and to show our groups progress in creating the film. The Blog was a very helpful tool as we can write ideas and show our films progress which helped other group members if they did not understand something or missed a day. We used an iPhone 6 to film our movie, we were given the choice of using a high quality camera but we found that the iPhone was much easier to handle and use. As the film editor, I had to learn to overcome. By sitting down and researching all different types of software's (Movie Maker and I Movie). I found that Microsoft Movie Maker was the software that I was most comfortable with and that is what I used to edit and create our groups film. This was honestly one of the hardest parts in creating the film as learning proper uses and techniques of this software to create the finished project. The finished product was uploaded to YouTube where it can be viewed by anyone on the internet. All in all the group my group integrated many different technologies to create this project.

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